Al’s Morning Blog - Friday May 18th, 2018

When someone who does not like Donald Trump (or didn’t vote for him) says they are sick of the Mueller probe, what does this really mean? Are they done with the story. Do they like Trump anymore than before? Is there some doubt in their mind he is guilty? The media isn’t saying you are sick of it. They keep force feeding you the details. It’s still their “Rosemary’s Baby”. The Trump people are obviously sick of it. Could it be that a good portion of America is also sick of the nonstop pity party Hillary continues to throw? The mid terms (November) are closing in. if the Mueller man cannot find any dirt, but continues to flail away, what will it really mean for the fall election? Democrats are feeling they can win the house, maybe the senate. They will point to the fact republicans haven’t gotten anything done. They could be right. For Trump at this point, maybe the best defense would be no defense. If the June summit becomes reality, that could really be the TRUMP card.

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