It must be the extraordinary person who wakes up each morning and either writes, televises or broadcast what they know to be true whether it is or not. Why waste time finding the facts. It is not every (or any) president in my recollection, short of Richard Nixon who goes to a foreign land to try and deal with the dregs of mankind. Trump vs. North Korea is like Snow White vs. Godzilla. I know our president isn’t lily white but he did what The four previous men in that chair failed to do. He dared look the dragon in the eye and tried to negotiate. We already knew if he succeeded it would go unnoticed and if he failed (they think he has) he would be Baloney for the boasters. It was a no win situation. He has confronted the border problem, the tariff fiasco as well as the threat of nuclear attack and has received no credit whatsoever. Yet, his predecessor was given a Nobel peace prize for moaning how hard it was to be President. Let’s give the previously mentioned credit for one thing. He did give his voters free cell phones.