If you usually stress about what to get your dad for Father's Day, a new survey finds that just getting a call from you is what he wants most. The OnePoll survey of 2,000 dads found that getting a call from their kids topped the list of what they want for Father's Day, named by 47 percent. The top 10 items on the list were:
1.Phone call from kids -- 47 percent
2.Big juicy steak -- 41 percent
3.Peace and quiet -- 38 percent
4.Taking in a ball game with the family -- 38 percent
5.Ice cold beer or two -- 35 percent
6.Cheaper practical gift, like a tie or socks -- 35 percent
7.Glass of wine -- 34 percent
8.Watch whatever he wants on TV -- 34 percent
9.Glass of whiskey -- 29 percent
10.Physical, expensive gift, like an Apple Watch -- 29 percent