Al's Morning Blog - Thursday July 11th, 2019

I’ve beaten this horse to death but here we go again. If you have a party for the holidays and invite 20 and 40 folks show up you run out of food, booze and patience. People leave, feeling you were unprepared. The illegal’s coming to our borders already know we’re out of space, food, etc. They don’t care. They keep coming. The left side of our political equation also knows we are over burdened but they don’t care because it’s a great talking point. When the big “O” was president, he too, kept people in cages, but media ignored as they were too busy shining his image. Now? Different story. How about this? Every citizen…..every one, pay 5.00 a week per family member to house, feed, clothe and educate these people. Hey, that’s only 80.00 a month for a family of four. 960.00 for the year. Sound like a bargain?

Chew on that one. Why? Because we are going to pay the freight eventually. We’ll also have to bail California out like we did with New York City some years back. Is there a common sense anywhere?

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