From City Of Beaumont

Based on the current weather forecast, indications are that temperatures will drop below freezing tonight, accompanied by rain and/or snow. Ice is expected to accumulate on roadways and bridges, making travel very difficult, if not impossible. Additionally, there is a good chance that temperatures will not rise above freezing at all Monday, so icy conditions on roads may continue for 36-48 hours. This means ice may remain on roadways making travel problematic until some time during the day Tuesday. Ice accumulation can lead to extensive debris and power outages and the weather forecasters say this could compare to the 1997 ice impacts.

Monitor media weather reports and email and phone for scheduling adjustments. The Beaumont EOC has increased to level 2 readiness. Essential departments will modify staffing as necessary.

All non-essential city facilities, including the Landfill, will be closed from 6:00 A.M. Monday until 6:00 P.M. Monday. City offices may open Tuesday, but a decision will be made tomorrow based on weather conditions. Trash pickup however will be postponed two days, so Monday's pickup will be rescheduled for Wednesday and so on.

Monitor vetted media sources or City of Beaumont Webpage for updates.

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