Al's Morning Blog 09/28/22

​ Having been raised in New York, it was not uncommon for me to run across violence. I have witnessed the aftermath of bodies being pulled from the Gowanus canal and the East River, the result of enemies of the Mafia swimming with the fish. There from time to time, shootings and an oasional stabbing, usually the result of gang fighting. However, that paled in comparison to what happens today. The newest and (yes ugly) mishap took place at JFK, as a woman arriving on a flight, was apparently accosted by a young man who beat her unmercifully. When she tried to run, he started again. She might lose vision as a result. What has happened to New York city? Chicago? New Orleans? Have we completely lost our minds? Not all of us. But enough to wonder why these cities are going berserk. Not enough police protection? Not enough police? DA's who feel criminals have been abused by the general public? Give me a break. We know what the problem is. White, Hispanic, African Americans, Asian? They are all fearful of losing their life or limbs. The new progressive attitude of don't chastise these types. They are malnourished, brain dead or just plain ornery. If we don't do something to protect us, there will be no US. The clock is ticking and it's running too fast for some of US.

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