Al's Morning Blog 11/23/22

I pass what seems to be zillions of signs every day on my way to work or to the shop or to gas up. There never is a scintilla of friendliness in any of them. I see the "No exit", "Dead end", "No parking", " Speed limit strictly enforced", etc. Then I see one saying "Happy Holidays" or some other Christmas connotation. I don't bother to reason whether they are sincere or just trying to sell something. I really am happy just to get a breather from the ever-dominating messages to tell me what to do next. I pass someone who wishes me the best thanksgiving and I am glad to see there is still a smile in the world now and then. Elvis recorded a song about wishing that everyday could be like Christmas. We know that's not going to happen but maybe just a moment or two in that make believe world of Nod is what we need. I have become so immune to the everyday killings and that , too, is a statement about where we are as a society. I do not mean to preach or pound. I know things are what they are, and I can never be a little boy again. But to sit in my easy chair and pretend, if just for a moment, makes life worth living. I'm not going to throw rocks at any of those signs, but I sure am going to return any greeting I get during any season. It's like balancing your checkbook and making sure you are not overdrawn.

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