Al's Morning 12/01/22

                AL'S MORNING BLOG   12/1/2022

Please tell me you are kidding. On second thought, never mind. Joe from Scranton has made another tough executive decision. At least that's what we hear. He is considering taking Air Marshall's off of air flights and sending them to the border to stem the tide. Wait!!! What?? Has Jill spiked his oatmeal with Jose Cuervo? Do we not know there are those who would blow us out of the sky as they once did 21 plus years ago? Oh, that was then, and this is now. Besides, we had a republican president in office then, so what could you expect? This prez has been victorious at all fronts. There's the move from Afghanistan. ( That went well, didnt it? } Hell, the border and the gas thing, and the Ukranian thing and the Russian thing and the Chinese thing and the economy thing and the college debt thing. They were all a resounding success, one by one. So, what could go wrong? Ask the relatives of the almost 3000 that died on that infamous date in 2001 Sorry, I am unable to forget that. Worst individual war tragedy (yes, war) in our history. Do we not know enough to realize the world hates us?? We should. Do the folks in the Ukraine hate us? China? Yes. As a matter of fact, we kind of sail our ship alone, kissing butt to everyone who despises us, until the Care packages arrive. If someone is as old and as stupid and I can figure that out, Joe's handlers should be able to do the likewise.

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