Al's Morning Blog 02/05/23

For the second time in less than a century, the United States has been threatened (attacked by an Asian nation. I assume there is something racist in that statement. There has to be because as we know, everything is that way, but I digress.)

Anyone with a modicum of historical knowledge has heard of Pearl Harbor. Our nation's leaders scoffed at that one. Comes now the second wave from our dear friends across the sea in China. If a missile of any proportion flew across our country it would have been shot down immediately. The media (some years back) would have applauded our shooting it down. Today, a different story. Yes, our president was slow on the uptake as was our protective forces. This should have been shot down when it approached the west coast but was allowed to continue on across the fruited plain. It is still fruited, you know. The Chinese are aghast at the shooting. Really? Put the balloon on the other foot and see how things would have come down if we had ventured over the Great Wall or the Yangtze river, Hong Kong, Beijing or any of the most populous cities in that country. This is a big story and could have a very unhappy ending. Those of us who are not hawkish still fear what could come. China is smart. Very smart. I think they feel they can poke the bear without retribution. They know we depend on them for a great portion of our everyday existence. They also kow a great many of us have become fat and lazy and worry about Facebook and fine meals more so than the future of our country. I am as guilty as most. I do worry, though. I remember wartime as a boy. I know how our nation reacted then and I know how we would NOT act now. Tough times? Worried about your 401K or the cruise you are about to book for later this year. Might be a good idea to worry about something a lot larger than police brutality, CRT, the market for electric vehicles. But as Scarlet said in Gone With The Wind, "I'll worry about that tomorrow."

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