Al's Morning Blog 04/15/23

Morning blog 4/15/2023

I remember talking one morning about how we vote for president on personality. The subject was Kennedy/Nixon and how the country loved the youthful look of JKFK. That has not always been the case but most of the time, (yeah.) I recall FDR as a kid. He seemed like my grandfather. I liked Truman because he told everyone who didn't like him to go to hell. Sound familiar? Ike was our buddy and a General. Everybody ( mostly liked JFK) and tolerated LBJ because we were saddened at what happened to Jack Kennedy. Nixon? Still cannot explain him. I did say "most of the time". Reagan? Star of the silver screen and Bush 41? Hard to dislike. Clinton was another Kennedy. Great smile, southern twang. (And he kept Hillary off screen as much as he could.) Bush 43? He could grow on you. Barack Obama. Pleasant and I do not recall too many folks saying the "hate" word. Then came trouble. Swaggering, insulting, sneering Donald Trump. Bring on the hate police. Love him or loathe him. New Yawk accent and enough baggage to weigh down a hundred mail trucks. BUT! But! Take a look at what he accomplished. You can hate him but if he didn't get the job done in your mind, you might have fallen off the turnip truck. Sorry, stats do not lie. You hit more homers than the next guy, you're the champ. You roll 7 and not snake eyes, you da man. Along comes Scranton Joe. Dead in the water until Donald unleased that smart alecky venom on the debate stage. That, my friends, was the beginning of the turning of the screw. Those that hated him, doubled down. Middle of the road voters jumped to Joe's side. Today, looking back on his success, never Trumpers want him in jail. They may not get their wish, but remember what they said about HIllary? "Lock her up." History has a strange way of repeating itself. Again!!

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