Al's Morning Blog 04/18/23


As is the case with just about everyone, I woke up this morning (maybe a little earlier than most) to the story of gunfire. This time and 84-year-old man shot a young boy who knocked at his door by mistake. During the past 24 hours, a woman riding as a passenger in a car that turned into the wrong driveway to turn around, was shot and killed by the homeowner. Another woman, a little luckier, had her car hijacked, was thrown in the trunk and thrown out over a bridge. She survived. Another man, whose food was delivered by mistake to the neighbors went over and shot them up. When I leave my house a little past 4am, I am wary. If I pull up to a vehicle in the next lane, I pull up slightly behind them as opposed to next to them. Not taking any chances. I might look shootable. Have we gone insane? Yep! We've become very upset. Killing someone over food? Is this a third world country? Yes, it is. De we love our neighbor. No, we do not. Is the world coming to an end? Silly question? Or is it not silly? The people I mentioned at the beginning are gone. Their world is over unless they were lucky enough to survive. Don't honk your horn at a stoplight. Do not change lanes unless you have a10 car lead. Stay out of the left lane unless you're driving 85. Do not ask for extra ketchup at the burger stop. Do not smile or scowl. Don't hold the door open for anyone. Breathe quietly. You don't want to make anyone mad. If that and a bullet proof vest doesn't work, then you are on your own.

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