Al's Morning Blog 08/02/23

Morning blog 8/2/23

Let us put a bright spin on the future. First of all, the light will come in the morning. That's an Amen. No, our credit rating from a triple A to a AA plus, whatever that means ( and we know what it means). It means that no one is watching the store. No one has a clue about a budget. Not a clue. Money thrown around like the drunken sailor once did. One hundred billion to a country whose side we have no clue on where they lean. 100 billion. Highways...Bah, humbug. Helping the homeless, guarding the border, keeping an eye on China and Russia, and Iran and everyone else who hates us...and there are many. Money for the indigent? Money for the aged who worked all their lives and inflation has outlived their government retirement checks? Again humbug. President who does not believe in press conferences and who cannot climb stairs. A vice president who has the Colgate smile and little else. Thrilled at the thought of a former president going to jail? Is this Mexico light? Think about it. On second thought, don't. We ain't gonna do anything about it. We gotta worryabout who is selling beer and what gender they are? Are we in trouble. Not on your life. Everything is sunshine and roses. There will come a time when we are forced to confront these situations. But not today. Hey!. It's summertime. Oh, that's right. Almost school time. Well, nothing to worry about there. Our kids are going to get a great education. ( I hope.)



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