Joe's going to Palestine. No, not that one. The other Ohio. Hey, it's only been shy of a year and he wants to know what's with that chemical explosion on the railroad track. He's going to take care of it, with the flick of a pen and a phone call, just like he did with the student debt relief program. Poof!!! Just like that. Gone!! Jus the way he did with the border problem.....Oh, wait!! That's right. the Republicans will not work with him.. What a guy. He's a fast stepper. Got to get to Ohio and help those people in homes and businesses that still haven't been brought back to life. It's an election year. Have to dot the I's and cross the T's. Fast steppin, hop skippin Joe. He's on the case. See him run. See that superior gait. Listen to that intellect he showed at the Wisconsin brewery. How deftly he shakes hands with a doorknob and recognizes people in the audience that no one else can see. He's got X-ray vision. Just like Batman.