Al's Morning Blog 02/05/24

I know that the self-checkout section is convenient. I see everyone flock to it when the regular check outs are busy. My theory is I only have so many minutes left in life, ,and I intend to use them. I do not want to cost anyone thir job, so I wait patiently i n line. I wait even though the Waman with the coupons, including the one that is expired, cause her to use up more of my minutes. Many times, I have to go to the bathroom, and I hope she does too, so that she will get her rear end in gear and move on down the trial. But the grand finale is approaching. Paying with cash she must pay to the exact penny and somewhere in that ugly purse is the last 14 cents she needs. I still will not use self-check. I have to pump my own gas and I do. Bu i insist on taking my time as I have earned that. There is one caveat to all this intense grudge I have with society. That is a red light. I do not mind waiting for a light to change. In the daytime, the lights in this city(Beaumont) stay red long enough to birth a child. I wait, inventing enough new curse words and curse word combinations to fill a Thesaurus. 

But when I leave my house at 4:04 AM I pass four lights on my way to the radio station. I ran them all. All. Every morning. Monday through Friday. Everyone. I cannot waste time. No one else is on the road. Life is good.

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