Yes, it’s a shame. Yes, it’s a crying shame. Pittsburgh now joins the other American and European cities that weep silently for their dead citizens. From Amsterdam to Annapolis and from Seattle to Sacramento, the story is the same. If only there were a way to bypass the death and heartbreak. We can deny folks the right to own a gun but you can’t will them away. Drunks will always find booze, addicts will always procure drugs both over and under the counter. People in cars will continue to speed and kill the innocents as well as themselves. Parents will warn their children about the evils of those out there that would harm them. But it keeps happening. We are a hurry-up society that wants instant gratification. We don’t want to wait on a burger or an education. New workers wonder why they don’t get an instant raise. There’s even a drive-through confessional for Catholics who are pressed for time. Folks cannot waste time at construction sites, or for someone who might be crossing a street. We don’t have time to read so we don’t buy newspapers. We don’t have time to ask for directions or use a yellow page to look up a phone number. We don’t even have time to grieve. And so we will forget this incident and move on to the next one. Sadly, but truer than ever.