Tex-Dot Awards Contract

ORANGE – Williams Brothers Construction Co., Inc. has been awarded a $52 million contract to widen I-10 from FM 3247 to the Sabine River Bridge. The approximately five mile project will include:

  • Widening I-10 from four to six 12-foot wide travel lanes with 10-foot wide inside shoulders and 10-foot wide inside and outside shoulders. 
  • Widening the existing I-10 Adam’s Bayou bridge to provide additional travel lanes and auxiliary lanes between the entrance/exit ramps to improve merge movements.
  • Replacing the existing bridge at Sabine River Relief with a modern structure meeting current design standards.

The project will be conducted simultaneously with the current I-10 reconstruction project within the same project limits. The project to widen I-10 is anticipated to be complete in 2026. 

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