WATCH: Crocodile Fights Alligator In Everglades National Park

Top view of big crocodiles on water

Photo: blanscape / iStock / Getty Images

An unusual encounter between a crocodile and an alligator unfolded near the Shark Valley Observation Tower in Everglades National Park on Tuesday (March 19). The clash, captured on video by Taylor Bonachea, showed the two reptiles battling over a prime basking spot. The video reveals intense moments of biting and snapping, with the crocodile repeatedly attacking the alligator's head as it tried to escape. Eventually, the alligator retreated into the water, leaving the victorious crocodile to bask in the sun.

While American crocodiles are potentially dangerous, they are not known for unprovoked attacks on humans. They primarily feed on fish, reptiles, birds, and small mammals. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) warns against feeding these reptiles, as it can lead to them associating humans with food, posing risks to both humans and animals.

The event highlights the ongoing recovery of the American crocodile population in Florida. Listed as endangered in 1975, the population has grown from a few hundred to an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 today, according to the FWC. The American crocodile is currently classified as threatened both federally and in Florida. These reptiles are typically shy and prefer coastal areas in South Florida and the Keys.

The video of the encounter, which you can watch below, has garnered significant attention, showcasing the unique wildlife interactions within the Everglades. The park remains one of the few places in the United States where both crocodiles and alligators coexist.

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