March 28 is the 87th day of the year. There are 278 days remaining until the end of the year. This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday (58 in 400 years each) than on Thursday or Friday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Tuesday or Sunday (56).
+ 1871 – The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.
+ 1978 – The US Supreme Court hands down 5–3 decision in Stump v. Sparkman, a controversial case involving involuntary sterilization and judicial immunity.
+ 1990 – United States President George H. W. Bush posthumously awards Jesse Owens the Congressional Gold Medal.
+ 2006 – Massive protests are mounted against France's First Employment Contract law, meant to reduce youth unemployment.
(Births )
+ 1905 – Marlin Perkins, American zoologist and television host (d. 1986)
+ 1944 – Rick Barry, American basketball player and sportscaster
+ 1944 – Ken Howard, American actor (d. 2016)
+ 1955 – Reba McEntire, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress
+ 1961 – Byron Scott, American basketball player and coach