January 11 is the 11th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 354 days remaining until the end of the year This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday (58 in 400 years each) than on Saturday or Sunday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Tuesday or Thursday (56).
+1569 – First recorded lottery in England.
+1759 – In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the first American life insurance company is incorporated.
+1908 – Grand Canyon National Monument is created.
+1935 – Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
+1949 – The first "networked" television broadcasts took place as KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania goes on the air connecting the east coast and mid-west programming.
+1964 – Surgeon General of the United States Dr. Luther Terry, M.D., publishes the landmark report Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United Statessaying that smoking may be hazardous to health, sparking national and worldwide anti-smoking efforts.
+1973 – Major League Baseball owners vote in approval of the American League adopting the designated hitter position.
( Births )
+1946 – Naomi Judd, American singer-songwriter and actress
+1956 – Robert Earl Keen, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
+1957 – Darryl Dawkins, American basketball player and coach (d. 2015)