February 13 is the 44th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 321 days remaining until the end of the year This date is slightly more likely to fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Saturday (58 in 400 years each) than on Thursday or Friday (57), and slightly less likely to occur on a Tuesday or Sunday (56).
+ 1880 – Thomas Edison observes the Edison effect.
+ 1920 – The Negro National League is formed.
+ 1954 – Frank Selvy becomes the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game.
+ 1961 – An allegedly 500,000-year-old rock is discovered near Olancha, California, US, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug.
+ 2004 – The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
( Births )
+ 1885 – Bess Truman, American wife of Harry S. Truman, 35th First Lady of the United States (d. 1982)
+ 1919 – Tennessee Ernie Ford, American singer and actor (d. 1991)
+ 1919 – Eddie Robinson, American football player and coach (d. 2007)
+ 1923 – Chuck Yeager, American general and pilot; first test pilot to break the sound barrier
+ 1944 – Jerry Springer, English-American television host, actor, and politician, 56th Mayor of Cincinnati
+ 1947 – Mike Krzyzewski, American basketball player and coach
+ 1950 – Peter Gabriel, English singer-songwriter and musician
+ 1977 – Randy Moss, American football player and coach