No one lives forever. We all know that. We still hate to see our “faves” go. Mary Tyler Moore. What a gal. At a time when women wore heels with Capri pants and tattoos were considered tacky, this was a blue ribbon entry. You didn’t think anything but good thoughts about a woman who strangely enough campaigned for women’s rights through her TV character “Mary Richards”. She didn’t go braless, carried no protest signs, uttered no “F” bombs and loved everyone, including her boss. What a departure from what we saw last weekend in the nation’s capitol. If you’re under 50 you probably don’t get the connection. If you are over the hill, like me, you will give a loving nod to a departure of one of the classiest. She was never too busy to smile, never too angry to swear and always had time to embellish our lives with her wholesomeness. I don’t know if there any like her around today. Could they evoke a laugh just by calling “Rob’s” name, or cry on cue? Are there any with beauty, but lacking in the brazen and bizarre? Probably not, but it was a lovely ride. Old guys and yes, old gals, appreciated what she stood for. “Womanhood, pure and simple”. RIP, MTM. You brought the house down with a gentle touch.
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