Maybe you can help me out here. We need to let everyone that wants in, to be allowed in our country. No questions asked. There’s room for one and all. We are America you know. We were on the 12th day of September, 2001 and remained that way for about 2 months. Then we reverted back to what we were and are. To the people who carry the signs protesting everything. Should you not be in school, learning something? Or should you not be at work, earning your keep? Or if you don’t have a job, shouldn’t you be looking for one? Picture this. A second cousin by marriage shows up at your doorstep and announces they have wanted to move to Southeast Texas all their life but didn’t know anyone here….UNTIL THEY REMEMBERED YOU. They need a place to sleep and food and clothes and……and…..and. I know that’s not the case with many hard working, sensible people who want to move here and make a good life for themselves. I get that. But didn’t our ancestors want the same thing and didn’t they go about it the right way?