When I first started doing mornings in southeast Texas (1963) I started the trend of calling people live on the air. In those days you did not have to tell them they were on the air. There wasn’t even that little “every 13 seconds beep” until the FCC cracked down. I used to call Punxatawney, Pennsylvania, (that may not be spelled correctly, but who cares) and talk to a guy named Charley Earhart who was the guy with the top hat in charge. I think he could out drink the rest of the folks so he got to lift the groundhog out of the hole. The GH was not happy and I think he may have bitten CE at one time. Charley’s prediction was wrong that year and again in 64 and 65. 66 was the year he got it right and after that, I quit keeping score. Why? Because everyone believes the hog. It’s ok with me. It’s tradition. But why the copycats in Wisconsin and even Louisiana? Like your mama told you. The original is the best. Bill Murray and Andie Mc Dowell didn’t make the movie anywhere but……you guess it, Punxatawney, Pennsylvania. (spell). So let’s see if he see’s his shadow. Not Charley. Not Bill Murray. The GROUND HOG!