Any day now I expect all people on television and radio to be fired. This because we are not yet, quite as politically correct as we need to be. Doug Adler, widely respected as the most talented tennis announcer in the world, described one of Venus Williams tennis wins as having used the “Guerilla effect” during the match. Well, of course, it went viral and immediately ESPN fired the announcer who has been at the network since 2008. The term “Guerilla” has been used time and again to describe something forceful and overpowering and gee……stupid me….i thought it was ok. Well, consider me dumb because it is “racial”. But then isn’t everything nowadays? If you mention Chicken, you are racist. Guess my trips to KFC are over with. Dancing, especially tap dancing? Of course. Wait, though! White men can’t dance. Oh, my bad. It’s white men can’t JUMP! We know that’s NOT racist. If I had an uncle whose name was Tom, I could never reveal it. If I make pancakes, I need to put a cover over the box so folks won’t think I am …..yes, “racist”. And you wonder why this world is so divided? Oh, by the way. Adler is suing ESPN for damages and the fact he’ll never work again. I think we can construe that as also being “racist”.