Let’s all get together and find a reason to get a “grant”. I see where Rice University is in the running for a 100 million dollar grant. I believe it’s health related and that’s good. But other folks get grant money for foolish reasons. One such group in the UK is getting a grant to research how people go about finding something they have lost. For instance: car keys. Now you and I know when we lose our car keys and tell our wives or husbands we have lost them the first thing they say is: “where did you lose them”? or “where did you leave them?” or the best one of all: “where was the last place you had them”? You know it’s true. That’s what is always said. How dumb? How stupid? But we all do it. So the research group gets a grant for finding out how people go about finding something they have lost. We already know this. However, to get money for asking a stupid question seems like a good idea to me. When someone tells you of a friend’s death last Monday, you respond by saying: “I can’t believe it. I just saw them last week.”
True! But they are now dead. You have just been told. But you saw them a week ago. Amazing!! Someone tells you of a restaurant, open for about a year, has now gone out of business and closed. You reply that you can’t believe it. They then ask you if you had ever gone there and you reply that you haven’t and then add: “I wonder why they closed”? The answer is that no one went there. You see how much money we could make?