Guess I need to go back to school and start over. I always thought if you killed someone you either did life or got the chair, got hung, got gassed (needles are more humane) or got shot. But if you are crazy, all bets are off. I guarantee one thing. If I were a convicted murderer, I could get real crazy, real quick. I could drop my IQ down around 70 (it might be there now) at the drop of a hat. A convict in Houston who murdered a store owner 37 years ago is still in limbo because he’s nuts. Sorry folks, but I think he’s crazy like a fox. He figured out the store owner was old, the helper was pregnant and it was late at night. A real Sherlock. So if a guy runs at you with a gun and in self defense, you shoot before he does and you find out, he’s crazy, then maybe you got to jail. Wow! That’s what I call justice. Oh, there’s more. We can send a man to the Moon, maybe Mars, but we can’t find poor old Mississippi the right cocktail mix to put someone nighty night for good. Maybe one of those drug dealers could show them the right mix. After all, they’ve been looking for the proper chemicals for five years.
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