Sometimes it’s just better to say you are stupid. After all, if someone knows something you don’t know you’re stupid and they’ll be quick to tell you. Sean Spicer, with the same role as Josh Ernest, Tony Snow, Dana Perino and many others has to be quick on their feet. They must answer all media questions with lighting like accuracy and know the first names of all reporters instantly. It’s not easy. He made a mistake about the Holocaust. It’s something I think I could make and you could make. He apologized. Not good enough, says Nancy Pelosi, who we all know has never made a mistake. In the heat of battle, Spicer incorrectly spoke on Hitler and his poisoning of his own people. He was wrong. Dead wrong. Inaccurate. He apologized. That’s it. Or is it?
Are we in a world where mistakes are never made? A world in which companies go belly up because of mistakes? A world in which the former president made mentioned of the 57 United States. He did not step down. Yes, it is Passover. And yes, it is a touchy subject. And yes, Spicer spoke incorrectly. He has apologized more than once. I feel he is probably sorry. I know I am when I make a mistake. I am sure he wished he had never said it. I guess if he is not forgiven he will step down. But he still will have said it. And he still will have apologized. I only hope that those that targeted him never make a mistake. If they do, I hope they apologize. I hope they will be forgiven.