I’m a little disappointed in the graduates at Notre Dame. No, that’s not right. I’m VERY saddened by the way they acted toward Vice President Pence. He’s a good man and second in command of our country. They should have at least given him the courtesy of their attention. It’s their graduation, for pity’s sake. It’s a great day for leaving and satisfactorily passing the necessary grades to get a sheepskin from one of America’s most storied universities. Yes, it is America and you can like who you wish or not, but these people are tomorrow’s leaders. That’s a little scary. I guess if we didn’t like the Japanese or Germans 76 years ago, we could have just stomped our feet and said we would not fight back. Maybe you kids should have taken a more stringent course on American history. “Fighting Irish”? Not really. Just a bunch of back turners who really aren’t thinking on their feet. To those who stayed and showed respect, I tip my hat. (Even though it’s not a green derby.)