We have arrived at a point where all comedy is acceptable. (Whether it’s funny or not.) The Berle’s and Skelton’s and Gleason’s and countless others like Cosby, Burnet to name a few made us laugh. We laughed comfortably. Then we were treated to the political correctness where no one could be made fun of. That is until Donald Trump. Now all bets are off. Kathy Griffin has proven that. I wonder if any of the American families who lost a son to beheading from the ISIS family are laughing? Probably not. How about the rest of us? Would any of us really like to see a president of our country beheaded? I should have known that when KG showed up in a bra on New Year’s eve to showcase the new year with Anderson Cooper that getting a laugh outweighed everything else. Her apology attempts leave many of us cold. Could be she’s worrying about her gig. Could be her stupidity outweighs her talent.