My dad told a few whoppers in his day. The fish were always bigger by pounds. My brother bragged on how many girls he had dated. I have told people how long I have talked without extra breathing. Folks, we all tell a little one now and then. But please. Please, give me a break on the weather. Don’t tell me we are getting “hammered” or that aspects are “dire” or that we are getting “pelted by rain and swept off of our feet by torrential winds. We all have eyes and at least half a brain. Tell it like it is, not like you maybe, wished it was. Why? Because if you were really in one, like I was in 1983 in Galveston, you would have wished you were in Kansas with Dorothy and Toto. That did it for me. Elisha. The last hurricane I ever chased. I also told the truth about it. So did the other reporters lying next to me and hoping the wind would stop. Enough already. Don’t bend it. Report it…..accurately.