Is it not amazing that the headlines today say what they say? “Tea Party could become Potty Party.”
Oh, yeah!! Let’s get those stupid tea party folks. They’re all rednecks anyway. Back woods clods who don’t know how to run a ballot when voting. And, they don’t know anything about politics. Just loud mouthed hootenanny types that live in a double wide and chew and spit. The crux of this is the media feels it’s time to bash the tea party folks again. You see, they may run to a degree on the MENS or WOMENS rest room and which is which. Tell you what. I DO care who uses the rest room I pee in. I also care about my wife’s or daughter’s safety. It just makes good sense to go to the room based on how you’re constructed. Well, here’s a little tidbit for you. Once you get in the voting booth you can vote for whoever the hell you want to and nobody will be the wiser. I’m betting on the potty party. Stand by. This could get interesting. There was a time (1775) that the folks who wanted freedom of speech fought for it. It just could be that some folks are staid in their beliefs.