Many of us are never tested for our resiliency. Think about that for just a moment. Have you been tested?I wondered as I drove back from Port Arthur yesterday. I wondered as I passed church after church, still handing out items to those who in many cases have lost everything. I wondered as I saw travel trailers and campers parked in so many driveways that are not normally there. I wondered as I passed hotel and motel rooms filled to capacity. I know some of these people. Last week I talked to a clerk who had lost everything and she was smiling. Saturday as my wife picked up her car another young lady voiced what I have heard so often: “We’re okay. It’s nothing that can’t be gotten over in time”. WOW! IS THAT RESILIENCEY? It is wonderful to hear that. I don’t know if I could be so cheerful at a time when so many have lost so much and have so little to start back up with. We talk about the human race and bad it’s gotten. Really??