So as we reflect (as we so often do) on this Thanksgiving weekend, what should we be thankful for?
Well, for one thing, be glad you’re not a Turkey, or an innocent can of Cranberry, sliced without mercy in the minutes before dinner is served. Pity the poor Pumpkins who gave their all to be part of your pie or pies. Be glad that you or your spouse does not have to bake, fry or serve a Turkey dinner every weekend of the year. Turkey, 52 times in a row? I think not. But on the serious side, thank whomever you thank when you are thanking, that you are in America. This is no Iraq, No Mali. This is a place where you can agree or disagree, where you can eat dinner where you please, where and when you shop, no matter how ridiculous the date and time. Go ahead. I dare you. Be politically incorrect. Say it loud and proud. I AM GLAD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!! Then pass the gravy. Be happy there are no Brussell Sprouts on the table. Happy Turkey day.