Sure I love America. Enough to worry just a little about what the future could bring. I know. We have to go on and live our life but I can’t help but worry about what could happen to my kids, GK’s and GKK’s. My wife and I have lived good lives but like anyone else would like to live a little more. The biggest thing I worry about is how would our nation handle a full-blown attack. I know how we were in WW2 but I don’t think society is ready to cut back, ration themselves and behave. I think our phones, the internet, the way we self-serve and the cushy way we live makes it impossible to be ready for sacrifice. Look what we do when someone who disagrees with us act. We yell, break windows, loot. One sees this and doesn’t know if it’s a protest again society or a city that wins an NBA title. Are we ready? Could we be ready? Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.