It’s so good to know the talking heads have everything figured out. No matter what the situation, they seem to have the solution. School shootings? No problem. Immigration? Not to worry. Global warming? We knew that 20 years ago when we said the world would dry up ten years ago. They seem to have everything other than the details. The substance. The meat of the answer. That’s the only thing they lack. Put armed guards in front of the schools. Well, that’s like having them wear a neon sign saying: shoot me first and you’ll have no worries about shooting everyone else. Make all schools gun free. That way no criminal would ever venture there. Immigration? We’ll just tell everyone they need to apply legally before coming over the border. We’ll also make sure they do not have to pledge allegiance to this country and must make nice. Global warming? Not a problem. (Except India, China and the rest of the eastern world.) Problems solved. Have a nice day.