The Santa Fe independent school district is the safest on in the country this morning. Of course, it is. It’s already been hit. Ten vibrant lives snuffed out by someone who was unhappy for whatever reason. While they are safe, every other school district, church, office or military base is at risk. What a shame to get the notoriety in the small district south of Houston received. People whose pictures are on television or in the newspaper that will never see themselves. They will be forever what age they were at Friday morning. No graduation for them. No joy for their parents. And now come the solutions. The solutions I am sure with good intent. Rid society of the guns. Let on one have a firearm. Close the entrances or exits to the schools or arm the teachers or use metal detectors or ban trench coats. These are all admirable suggestions. They are ridiculous. Charge the taxpayers more for more protection. Do you really think this will come to pass? I guess the only way out is to homeschool your kids but you can’t do that because you have to work. The one thing we know is that THERE IS NO SOLUTION!!