Morning Show

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Al's Morning Blog - Wednesday May 23rd, 2018

It’s probably not the best thing for the father of the Santa Fe shooter to say what he said. It’s a time of feeling and as sorry as we feel for the parents of the murderer (and he is that) it’s not yet time to talk about how he was bullied at school. Bullying does not call for killing as is almost suggested in this case. Maybe the father did spend enough time with his son. Maybe he did all the right things. One thing he did not do is to make sure his guns were locked up and if the weren’t to educate his son on the matter of not killing people. Bullying (if that’s what happened) is not a license to kill….under any circumstance. As the parent, you have the right to remain silent and confine your feelings to the interior of your home. Sorry. Bullying doesn’t cut it in this case.

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