The first three stories in front of me as I prepared for this morning show were “Immigrants need more space”, “Judge rule’s immigrants cannot be sent back” and “Illegal immigrants lobby to get drivers license approval.” First I thought I was Gulliver in the land of Lilliput, then realized I am in southeast Texas. I almost thought I was in the United States of America. My country was always one of laws, made for law abiding citizens. Wrong!! It’s made for judges to help lawbreakers break more laws. What the hell do I need a driver’s license for? Or borders? We’re way past that and no collecting 200 dollars for passing go unless you can’t speak the language. Then and only then are you something special. Laws are only made for those of us who obey laws. Got it? Good to hear. Welcome to the new America. The land of the unbridled, illegal and contemptuous.