Inflate,deflate,reflate. That is the question. We all seem to be flating one way or anothr. Case in point. Have you had a raise? Lucky you. How recently, how much, and did it cover any part of your posterior?
I haven't and I am not complaning. I'm sure some think I am being over paid as it is, but I digress. Two hambugers , one order of fries 19.88. I guess that's ok. Like you, 1.80, or whatever you pay for gas. We all got that. Service calls? Up about 20 percent, plus a gas charge to get to your place and do whatever it is the service guy is going to service. Autos? Don't even go there. Average price for a home, new used, standing or partially standing? Average price across the nation is 466,000 dollars. That includes the million plus as well as the under 100 thousand " shall we go out and see it it's still standing" type. Rentals, as in apartments? 1600 for a one bedroom in Austin. The winner by a landslide? Jersey City, New Jersey 3850 a month for a 1br,1ba. (That's real estate talk.). Wanna buy a lawn tractor or edgers or trimmers? Cheaper to hire a goat. That's what the city of Dallas or Houston is doing. How about a window AC.? 559.00 up from 378 a year ago. They are saying, (Wall street Journal) it's supply and demand. There's lot of demand, just not enought supply. They cite various "boom towns" across the nation where it was famine, now feast, or the other way around. You can't fit a round peg into a square hole. You never could. Of course I never learned the Rubic's cube so no matter. Question is: how long will it last? Wish I knew. If I did, i'd also lay down a bet on the Super Bowl.