They sent out stimulus checks sometime back. I got one. Fortuntely I didn't need it, but I didn't send it back. No one does. There's not a Nobel prize for sending back unused checks. I could have been a hero in my own living room but I kept it. I put it in my savings account because I knew it would come back to bite me. Sure enough when taxes were due, I used my stimulus check as part of my payment to the government. I like to think I am pretty honest. I sure as hell will not cheat the government. I saw a picture of Lois Lerner. She looked like my fourth grade music teacher. Mrs O Dwyer. She didn't like me and I did not like her. I just wanted to pass my grade and get out of Dodge. Same thing with Lois or any of her henchmen. I do not cheat and my CPA makes sure I don't. With 87,000 new IRS folks, there is no room for error and I mean NO ROOM. Why do you think the hires took place? AS dumb as I am, I figured that out. Big biz will pay 15% ( or so they say) but you and I and all the others who are bottom feeders.....well, we are going to make up for the stimulus money the government gave out in the first place. My second grade math teacher taught me that. It's the old story of the ant and the grasshopper. Those that got it used it, not for income tax but for all the other stuff they wanted and did not have. Have we not caught on yet?? Of course not. You pin a fancy name on it and voi'la it's in a new package. They call it the Inflation Reduction Act. It's actually the involuntary SEDUCTION ACT, sometimes known as rape. Guess what congress just did to you, and you didn't even get a kiss!!!!
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