The old song "I didn't know the gun was loaded" is getting a revamp courtesy of whatever happened on the set of "Rust". I am not a fan of Alex Baldwin. Not because our political iews differ. Not even because I never thought he was a terrific actor. Not because of a bunch of things in his past I do not agree with. I am at odds with what is coming down in regard to the shooting of a fellow worker that caused her death. Blanks (phony bullets) are supposed to be that. Phony. Not the real thing. I get it. I know. Baldwin was supposed to chek the gun before he fired. I know. He hates the NRA. It is so easy to say he should hae checked. I do not believe for a momet he planned on killing someone. I do agree with the prosecutrs there is move to indict. I also believe it could happen to anyone. Do not give me the crap that you were raised with guns and know the difference. The bottom line is someone screwed up. I do not know who and neither do you. I guess the law will play out. I also question the fact that a 6 year old got a gun and shot his teacher. Who in their right mind would ever conjure that thought up? Do the parents go to jail? Do we think the 6 year old is guilty of anything? Oh yes, I know. When you were 6 you knew all about guns. Can you even remember when you were 6? I am not judge or jury. Like most sane people, I seek answers and sane or not, I cannot come up with one.