The gun did it. Yesserie!! The gun fired itself. Just ask Governor Newsom (California democrat). He will tell you about the new "suicide pact" you make by owning a gun. Yes, there have been a spate and I mean a huge spate of death's in California and everywhere across our nation. Count us in here in Texas. Uvalde, Suthrland Springs, El Paso and countless others. In every instance it was a gun or guns that did not fire themselves Forks do not eat, nor spoons or knives do not complete a meal without help. Cars,( at least most) cannot drive themselves. Phones need to be turned on, as in the case of radio's, TVs or computers. Shoes do not walk themselves, nor do teeth get brushed without a little manual dexterity. (Thought i would throw in a big word or two, hoping to hire the more well educated.) Those in that category probably already know that. So do the millions of legal gun owners who respect the gun, }the right and need (at times to use it and protect themselves.) If the individual who shot and killed the perp at the Mexican restaurant in Houston had not killed that individual, everyone would have left the facility just as scared and a little poorer having given up their money and rights as citizens. Maybe the perp would have used some of the take to buy a real gun and would have thrown his plastic one away. We know only this. Tragedy was prevented. We have places for people who have guns and do not behave with them. They are called prisons where the food is bad and many such are not air conditioned. So be it. Conclusion: If guns do not fire themselves someone else mut be at fault. Maybe The good "Gov" should investigat that. As Sherlock Holmes would say: "Elementray my dear Watson". You don't know Sherlock? Look it up.
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