I had a different take on last night's SOFU speech by El Presidente. I noticed the jumping jack routine displayed by the vice president, more often called the "President" nowadays. Gayle King (CBS) called Kamala Harris " madame vice president" this morning. We always thought Nancy Pelosi was the dancing queen. She, while ripping the President's speech to shreds, was always head jumper at the state of the union speeches. She was so eloquent and graceful in her leapiness. But last night a star was Born. Miss K jumped to new and marvelous heights each moment Joe Biden took a deep breath. In essence she stole the show, taking valuable moments from the president as well as denying the Pelosites and Schumerites from much needed camera time. In a way she helped to choreograph one of the all time flops of speech delivering. If you thought Nixon or Bush was bad you must have been watching with rose colored glasses. Not even La Bron scoring moment could take thunder from the stratospheric, death-defying bounces done by the Veep. The boos I must admit were nearly overshadowed by the outlandish yellow outfit worn by Kyrsten Cinema. She looked like a Sesame street big bird on steriods. But I digress. It was a top ten epic to watch a three-ring circus highlighted by the matriarch of word salad. The only thing that would have topped it would have been Joy Behar doing a magic act, like disappearing. FYI. The yellow jacket thing took a poor last place to garments worn by the lovely ladies of "The View".