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Al's Morning Blog 03/21/23

Like so many othrs the NCAA basketball playoffs are religion to me. I watch every game and love it. At games end I seemany winning coach's interviewed regarding what they did right. There is never a sound bite from a losing coach. They do not want to talk, and no one really cares. A shame. Here's the point. What's to say? "We should have done more. We should have done less. We shouldn't have flown into the site. We should have come on the Greyhound. Whatever. Transform that into reparations. Who gets it? How do you determine. You can't un-murder someone. You can't take back something as much as you would like to undo it. Who's the guilty and the innocent? We're talking for the most part about giving money to someone who doesn't have any recollection of a great grandfather. Granted there was injustice. We see it every day, in every way. But how do you resolve the way we treated the Black man? Then there are Asian's, the Native Americans, the Hispanics, the Italians, the Irish, WOMEN of the last century? How do I trust my own genealogy? How can I really trust birth records from over a hundred years ago? Were the writings and theords really accurate? Was there some concealment? To that end, can we afford it? Some say we have to afford it. Try this. Run out of money at your local ATM and plead with it to give you and extra 50.00 because you need it. I am 87 years of age with a good memory, so I know some of what went on and it wasn't right. I know how minorities were taken advantage of and then, as now, many shrug it off grumbling about their own problems. Being related to someone in the past doesn't necessarily mean you are deserving of compensation. The many persecuted are gone. They do not know if someone in their family lineage is benefitting from their misfortune. WE will never know. Sometimes you just have to move on. Should I be punished for something my ancestors may or MAY NOT be guilty of? Sometimes you really do have to move on.

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