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Al's Morning Blog 04/28/23


When I finish my workout at the gym I sit in the lobby and there are usually 1 or 2 guys there to join in a sometimes-spirited conversation. Today 3 of us wieghed in. One gentleman stated he thought everything was moving along. Low unemployment but he was taxed too heavily. He added he got a nice refund back from the government and didn't really know if he was going to vote or not as he thought the current administration has everything under control. The second contribution came from the guy was was watching a dog sing on his phone. End of talk. I figure this way. I'm not going to be around for another 20 years and these guys might. Let them worry about China, the border, equity, artificial intelligence, which restroom to choose, phony meat, working from home, the sun failing to shine or any of the 1400 things only voters can control. If I can brew up a pot of coffee, drive to work and talk nonsense on the radio till I keel over, I'll be happy> Come to think of it I do not believe I am talking absolute nonsense. We do have a problem with China, the border, equity, artificial intelligence etc, etc. I'm going to vote. Probably my last time during a presidential run. I voted or Kennedy the first time and both parties at one time and another. My guy or gal didn't always win but I was concerned. Still am. I love this country. I cannot worry about it anymore. But I will. For God's sake, get to the polls and vote. Don't be a Village oaf. We already have one in the office.

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