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Al's Morning Blog 05/05/23


Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.. Unless you live in San Franciso. Then it may be time to move. Nordstroms is going. Whole foods are gone. What is it with the city by the bay> it's not the pigeons pooping on Pier 39 and it aint the Seals barking next to Alieto's restaurant. It's the human stench of I don't care. Pigeon poop. That's nothing. Go down Market street or the Tenderloin district. Ride the cable cars or step over the guy who' so drugged up, he looks like a misfit in a 1959 horror movie. The city stinks and so do the people in charge. They have let an iconic vista turn into a blitzkrieg. People are bailing out. Nordstroms got tired of thieves walking out with just under a thousand dollars in merchandise, day after day. The human excrement in front of a five-star cafe. Stop it!! No one wants it and sooner than later, the tourist's will get the drift. San Francisco looks like a bad Oakland and that is bad. Frisco is not alone. FYI, they hate you calling it Frisco. Maybe four letter word would suffice instead. Los Angeles, New York,Chicago. What do all of these cities have in common? They're big, they're dirty and they are run by democrats. Don't shoot the messenger here. It's true. The wokeness is working. It'waking people to the fact they live in a hell hole and want out. Pig sty?? Too kind of a term. Pigs wallow in mud. This is worse. Much worse. Can it happen to other cities? Hide and watch.

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