Washingtons birthday today. You know, first president. Maybe the last one not to tell a lie. Wow. Times have changed. They fly left and right snow. Today, the FBI said they were just kidding. They told republicans to pursue the Biden Moneyball antics. Joe, Hunter, James and the whole family. Now the FBI said they made a mistake. Seems like the boys at the old investigating water cooler have made quite a few mistakes lately. Ever notice they come out in the Middle of the night and grab the bad guys who just happen to be republicans? Hey also call CNN ahead of time so they can catch it on film. Well, it is a Russian hoax. WE have heard that song a few times before. Media apologies are in order so as not to hurt the "big guy" and family. You want a carnival of comedy? You have one with the politics going on right now. Saturday Night Live should be able to write such a script.
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