I am checking in to see what's up with president # 46. Let's see who he wants to blame for the economy today. Let's also see what he plans to do about it. Hmm......Nothing to see here. Blame Trump and Maga. Ok, he started out with build back better. That's the best line of his humorous tenure yet. Are there others? Hmm....Nothing to see here. When he's not running last in the fall on yours face category or step tripping category, he's trying to shake hands with a doorknob. What a guy. He's from Scranton, you know. His own president endorsed Hillary in 2016 instead of Jolting Joe. He unashamedly admitted to asking for Jill's hand in marriage 5 times before getting a yes. Most of us guys would have gotten the hint after 3. He thinks an ice cream cone is a microphone. Tie that one up. He called his vice president "President" numerous times. Thats just the little stuff. But let's keep him until November. Lord only knows what the second team would bring in.
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